Fall 2017

Spring has always been my favorite season of the year.  Gone are the dreary and cold days of winter.  New life is begging to appear, flowers are blooming, and lots of baby animals to be seen from farms to wildlife.   I have always enjoyed summer but often complain about the humidity and heat but I love the long days and how the daylight never seems to end.  The lightning bugs blinking once it gets dark enough and the warm nights to enjoy the stars in the sky.  The next season to come around is fall and I always hated the thought of it.  To me, it was the ending of everything warm and green.  Plants are dying, days are getting shorter and colder, and the beautiful green is leaving us once again to give away to brown and white of winter.  As you can guess I hate most things related to winter.  Yes, there are times when you get to go play in the snow, and there is Christmas.  But the cold, snow, and short days outway the good of this season to me.

As I have gotten older I have found myself enjoying the fall more and more.  Especially when I started getting into Photography more.  Taking a weekend drive and capturing the beauty of our planet as the leaves turn, has been a focal point of this season for me.  Along with all the festivals and fun fall can bring.  Such as family picnics, bonfires, and etc.  The past couple of years though due to dry summers our fall colors have not been that pretty.  I have been looking forward to using my new camera this fall only to find most of the trees went from green to no leaves or green to brown with no color.  However, there have been a few trips where I was able to catch some glimpses of color.  In the long run, this has taken me out of my normal comfort zone and had me experimenting with my photos themselves.  Normally my photos would be of the wonderful color of the West Virginia mountains but this year it has been more of finding one tree with color and using the leaves against a backdrop with the sunlight illuminating them or with them against the background of the  blue sky which has been a wonderful shade of blue lately and without the humidity, it has been clear as well.   Here are some of the pictures I have gathered so far this fall.  I am happy with them as a whole and I hope that next year we have more color so I can get more of my landscape type photos.  For more photos head to my Facebook page: K.D. Gladwell Photography or my Instagram: kdgladwell

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